This blog is dedicated to my favorite pictures from my trip to Arizona. Laura came with me and we drove for 6 days from NY to AZ. First we stopped in Virginia to see Colleen, Dan & the kids for 2 days. Then we stopped in North Carolina to see Rachel and Bea (Robert was camping). We made a detour through Nashville *side note* we were looking for one of those pressed penny machines to get ourselves an Elvis penny from Nashville but there was a festival going on in Nashville so we just drove through *end side note* And we stopped at the Cheroke Trading Post outside of Oklahoma City to get ourself some souvenirs.
The trip went smoothly and Laura and I switched driving duties. We stopped at a lot of rest stops to stretch our legs and let Olivia get some air and get out of her car seat. Olivia slept a lot with minimal screaming which was nice for the trip. We were smart and brought along the portable DVD player so she had something other than us to entertain herself.
And then we were in Arizona. It was beautiful and exciting and what a relief to know the end was almost near. I was sick of driving. Luckily everything is within a 5 minute radius here lol.
Here are some of my favorite pictures from our trip:
Yay, you blogged! Julia will be so happy. Too bad about the Elvis thing. bummer
I agree with Colleen,
bummer about the Elvis penny. But lovely pictures... She's growin up so quick! I remember when she was barely a button!
You're back!!
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